Friday, June 19, 2009

~Breaking History~

Yesterday, as I would like to put; I have two combo tuition with Darrel, Ah Keng and friends. One a Sibu d for phy and one for Math in Sarikei. Both of them are very exhausting but we must wide open our eyes and ears so that we didn't miss up anything during the class. Just now at 10.30pm just start doing the school homework till now. But nevermind thou because tomorrow is Friday. Now, I am searching PA(K) news.haha...I think next week at this time, I will have to burn the midnight oil. Now almost dawn liao, I bet Darrel, Tiew keng, and Leo still doing homework too. I would say today I break my personal history because in the past I will only study till late night/morning if tomorrow is exam.
