Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kamen Rider Turn 40 years old in 2011; This is the few series that I watched before

Kamen Rider Rx

Kamen Rider Franchise will turn 40 years old sooner or later...This is the few series that I managed to watch a long time ago. I started watch Kamen Rider when TV started aired Kamen Rider RX, but I also stop after watching it after that. Might because of Power Rangers at that time, I think. But after a few years after that I started watched again after the coming of Kamen Rider Ryuki. I like the new concept which is the mirror world at that time and the "henshin" and the rider suit also become much more advance than Kamen Rider RX. However, I stopped watched again after that due to the designs and the lousy story line. A few years after that, I started once more...this time, it is not because of Kamen rider Den-O which I found nothing interesting which I regret I didn't notice the interesting plot after that. In my lower six, I accidently rewatched Kamen Rider after I decide to take a look of Kamen Rider Decade. Which later on influence my left on Kamen Rider once more, the concept of Kamen Rider after Decade getting better for me as I really want a Detective motif kind of Kamen Rider...Which later on I exposed to Kamen Rider Double. Before this I already expected in my past that they will be Rider such as Double which eventually come true...Two person become one Kamen Rider which a old Kamen Rider head concept which is with two horn. I have say that this Series is the most mature of all, because the character didn't simply use the power given. Last year, I decide to have a try on Kamen Rider OOO, but I didnt expect much from it but I will eventually stop watching again if the series after that started to be boring again...
Kamen Rider Ryuki Kamen Rider DecadeKamen Rider Double
kamen rider 000

That's all that I have watched... ;D

Kind of little series that I have watch on in this Franchise rather than Power Rangers

~Ah Sean~