Saturday, April 11, 2009

Methodist College Kuala Lumpur

After some talk with Daniel and Darrel yesterday...I think I will going to study A Level at Methodist College Kuala Lumpur. Even though, i have no experience of cooking good food but after what Darrel said to me on his car yesterday, "you not need to cook like home cook food but just cook the food that you like.." Damn, why I never thing of this before? Now I got the answer to answer my mum question...Do you know how to cook? And I really decided to study A level because I have given the chance and why not just further study to A level. I think how to buy cheap thing in KL later, I have to kount on Kent (my NS friend) later. After lot of thinking to study foundation in Australian University; never thought of making A level as my choice. Maybe is God's calling. I will have to study A level for 18 months and I will go for July intake. hmmm..subject that I will take,

-> Chemistry
-> Physics
-> Mathematics
-> Further Mathematics
