The Mirror (knowing me better)
In the past many sweet and sour events have happen in my life throughout this 18 years; to able to write on this post today is because I think it is time. I experiences too many painful things in my life and every time I think back it motivate me to the next level and to become a new person. From a slient person after I migrate to Sarikei since I lost my childhood friends back in Sibu. Losing them is indeed painful for me at first but sometimes I really need to let it go as the event already happen in myself. I wonder everyday whether I have the chance to meet them again...and will they be the same again? I just wonder. Leaving old hometown and step into new hometown in Sarikei, I met many kinds of pressure. I can say that throughout my primary years life wasn't easy and the result at last shown in my UPSR result as I only obtain one A and the rest of them I obtain B. It is frustation for me actually at that time because two of my sisters obtain good result that this stage and so do my other friends. Later on I step into my secondary school life. I struggle and remember all the things I need in that first three years, I even go unnotice that, at that time NARUTO is famous at that time. I just day by day reading and remember all the books because I knew at that period of time, I certainly must obtain 7A. At last after three years, I really did it. I obtain 7A and I was able to go to science class. Later on the next two years my life is full of temptation, hardship and down. Many things happen between me and my others friends. I knew I have to stay in the paste. I don't one any failure even if I have to learn it through the tough time. These two years is hard and still hard if I think back again. Maybe it is because I am too tired for the past 3 years. It just feel that I just have not enough rest for my brain. Throughout the 10 subjects, I obtain 6A in my SPM as the result show. I knew it just over the 5. Maybe this is God answer for me for some uncertainly and hardship in my life. Form 6 wasn't easy either, it getting tougher year by year. I don't know how to break the hardship but I must find my years. I knew at some point next year, I must push my limit to a new level to obtain the course that I wan. IT (information Technology), for me to able to get that I MUST have good math result and that is also my disadvantage, as I am weak still in that kind of stuff even though I knew that for that course, I really have to do it. If my sisters can obtain degree so do I...
I may thing a lot but thinking a lot just wasn't the answer if I didn't put action on myself now.