Thursday, March 12, 2009

Only path to choose now...

Haha...Just back from education fair. Too many university to choose. Curtin, Bradford, etc...sigh. Actually, I am not very confirm about Curtin. Just see first. Haha, Since my mom said this decision is not hurry since I still go to PLKN. So, I still have time to decide which path to take. XD... That CKK really lihai, who expect him to get such WOW result in my class. Haha. Actually, I myself also get shock with my own result.Haha. But I really want to thank God. I really surrender to him. Hallejuah to the KING! HE answer me...
I wanna thanks my friends to actually : P , story whole begin in class and end in a class. Tomorrow things gonna be a bit difference for all of us. Amen to God. Haha.