Currently continue my school given assignment and while trying to do the introduction part, I have a setback. I have no idea how to type the introduction. It's quit hard actually thou the given topic is way easy. Easy mean hard, this is because there is way little things to write; simply mean simple topic make simple and short sentences and assignment aren't suppose to be like that? Have being thinking how to write complex yet simple introduction but I currently find it hard. I just simply blank when come to that part. Even though teacher in the school give me the sample for me...but it is till hard, sigh.
Sometimes, I just understand why white rangers are evil...I suppose at the 1st time when this ranger is introduce in that particularly series before turn into a good guy. If green equal evil; how about white?
Sigh...this assignment indeed give me headache now
I just put up the power rangers thingy, because I just couldn't understand why this suddenly become a topic in my class recently, even during chem experiment time! O.o
Damn, I still like white ranger than this old white veteran white ranger...i mean the costume XD
~Old Veteran~

=Signing Out=
Ah Sean
If some point you still like the old guy ranger, just feel free to chit chat here...
Ah Sean
If some point you still like the old guy ranger, just feel free to chit chat here...